“Homeschooling through high school”- just speaking those words out loud can strike fear and trembling in the most seasoned homeschooling parent. It all seemed so simple when you were teaching phonics and math and doing science experiments in the back yard. Time flies by and all of a sudden you are there (or almost there), and you wonder:
“How can I do this? - Can I do this? - How do I do this?”
Over the past 6 years I have had the amazing privilege of helping families navigate homeschooling through the high school years. As we have given our “Help for Homeschooling High School” seminar there is one word that has become very important as we help people think about homeschooling through high school. If you had to think of a word to describe homeschooling in high school, words like “credit,” ”transcript,” “portfolio” and “admissions” might come to mind. While they are all good high school words, they are not the word that I think is most important.
"Adjective, serving to prepare for, intervene in, or
control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult
one; anticipatory."
This is
exactly what we need to do as we plan and prepare for high school and the years
beyond. We need to plan, prepare, and anticipate where things might go awry so
we can be ready for what is to come. Today we want to examine several areas of
homeschooling high school where being proactive can make all the difference.
Firstly, I think it is best to start investigating high
school when your student is in Grade 7, or at the very latest, in the Grade 8
year. This can give you time as a parent to look at the options for doing high
school (because there are many!) and see what might best fit your student and your
family. This is also a time to begin to engage your student in the planning process.
You can discuss hopes, dreams, different approaches and then explore this
together. It gives time for you to learn what a good program would include and
how you can meet the goals of your student. It can also be a time to prepare for a
change in how you do things. In the elementary years record keeping can be
minimal; in high school that often changes. Grade 7 and 8 can be a training
time for you and your student as you learn to keep more records, develop study
skills, and possibly work towards more independent study. This is so much
better than waiting until mid-August before school starts and panicking about how
you will put a plan together.
Secondly, it
is wise to be proactive when considering what courses your student should take.
Is your student very academic? Do they have aspirations to be a doctor, lawyer,
engineer etc.? If so, then it is important to make sure from the beginning that
you have academically challenging courses that will be good preparation for
university study. Perhaps you have a hands-on student or someone who will find
their career path through college or apprenticeship. In this case you may not
need to keep the academics as challenging. If academic study is not their bent,
then choosing courses that will meet college requirements will make your
student’s high school years more enjoyable and not overwhelming. Often, when
students start high school they have no idea what they want to do in the
future. That is fine. Just keep them as academic as is reasonable and wait
patiently till God reveals the path they are to take.
Thirdly, we
want to be proactive in planning for post-secondary admissions. Colleges and universities often have very
specific requirements in order to enter a certain course.

Pre-requisites are often found simply by looking on the college/university website. That is the first step. The second step is to get in touch with the institution of interest and ask what they require of a homeschooled student for entrance. This is particularly important if your student will not have a government issued high school diploma. Each school has its own way of doing things. One school may want a transcript and a portfolio and another may ask for SAT marks. Looking ahead and working to meet requirements can go a long way in avoiding disappointment and lost time. An added benefit to this is that, as you ask questions, you actually get to know admissions counsellors and other staff. This relationship allows your student to become more than a name and number on a form. Taking time to visit and discuss the process with the school is a great way to take this to the next level. Often, once a counsellor meets our children they see great individuals who would be an asset to their school. This means that they will have a higher interest in seeing that your students actually make it into their college/university.
As soon as your
student knows what they would like to do after high school you should start
contacting prospective
post-secondary schools.
post-secondary schools.

Pre-requisites are often found simply by looking on the college/university website. That is the first step. The second step is to get in touch with the institution of interest and ask what they require of a homeschooled student for entrance. This is particularly important if your student will not have a government issued high school diploma. Each school has its own way of doing things. One school may want a transcript and a portfolio and another may ask for SAT marks. Looking ahead and working to meet requirements can go a long way in avoiding disappointment and lost time. An added benefit to this is that, as you ask questions, you actually get to know admissions counsellors and other staff. This relationship allows your student to become more than a name and number on a form. Taking time to visit and discuss the process with the school is a great way to take this to the next level. Often, once a counsellor meets our children they see great individuals who would be an asset to their school. This means that they will have a higher interest in seeing that your students actually make it into their college/university.

The last area where we need to be proactive is after your application has been made. As mentioned earlier, you may need to submit SAT marks or other documents to be put with your application. If you have to write a special entrance exam it is crucial that these documents get put with your file. In a perfect world this would just happen. However, over and over I have heard that this does not always happen automatically. In most cases the school will not let you know when they are missing something. They just assume it was not sent in. I have personally known people who did not get into a certain school because their documents were lost. It is important to call regularly to make sure that everything that is required and has been submitted and is actually in your student’s file for review.
While this
can seem a little daunting it is really just a matter of looking ahead and not
assuming anything. Always remember, you do your best and leave the rest to the
Lord. He has a plan for your student. Things may not go exactly as planned, but
as long as they are in line with His plan, all is well. Having your students at
home during the high school years is such a blessing, both for the student and
the parent. Don’t get lost in all the books and miss the joy of time together.
Take some time to smell the roses and live, love, and laugh together.
God bless you as you homeschool through high school.
Louise and her teaching partner Cori Dean plan to offer their Help for Homeschool High School Course in the fall of 2019. This is geared for families who live in Ontario, Canada. Please feel free to post in the comments or send an email to info@learninghouse.ca if you would like to be put on a notification list.